Sunday, April 6, 2014


oh hi there i didn't see you.

so I've been working on a 3D printer that i nick named Gigantor. i reached a point where i realized my original design just would work for several reasons.
yeah like that....but shitty

so this is it. amongts all that shit was the machine that couldn't. as you can see i went a little crazy with the frame. it was made of 3/4 steel tube, and was so strong a truck could of drove over it. for some reason i thought it needed to be that strong and since I've reconsidered how much frame i really need. the frame though wasnt really the problem. it was mostly the rails i decided on. i went with a bla bla bla copper tubed that was also 16mm. i bought some pretty cheap 16mm bearings to go with it from amazon. i got the idea from a couple of posts about creating a rail system for smooth shots for cameras. the linear motion it provided was so so. the real issue with it was that it wasn't very stable due to my choice of lining it up with the corner steel instead of trying to go off a 90 degree angle from the bottom of the rail, because lets be honest im no welder. 
very steampunk
they were sligntly off and when i hooked up the printrboard to it to test its movement and worked like donkey balls. this caused me to develop another idea to create a square roller bearing. thus ends gigantor try 1. 
thats the mistake on the left

Sunday, August 25, 2013

That's not a spoon that's a 3D printed knife!

Dear reader I've gotton a hold of an ok 3d printer of course the first thing i want to do is make something useful, like a fucking knife. i Googled this and only really found one post and the dude just had some you tube videos with his creation on it seen here.

he didn't provide the STL files necessary to print out this bad ass piece of 3D printed cutlery. this drove me to look around for a way to make my own to fill the gap. i found 123D design which i think is a pretty good piece of free software for my semi-complicated object for print. its really only missing a helical tool but hopefully in future they will make that happen. so i spent some time and fired out this design. 
3d printed stabbing device
i didn't print this out with my printer (a printrbot jr) a friend of mine has a makerbot something or another that he spent 2 grand on so we printed it on his machine because lets face it, mines made of some gum and paper clips and his is made of stuff that doesn't suck.
3d printed awesome 
there it is......awesome in physical form.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wire spool holder/caddy/rack

a bunch of bull shit
I recently went googling for some type of holder for wire spools. i needed one because my previous one was actually a shoe rack that to be honest was a bunch of bull shit.So that brings us to the googling that pretty much came up with some more bunch of bull shit seen here. i dunno know about you but 70 bucks plus whatever the shipping is, is way to much for something that's just a bunch of dowels held up by some wood. so with some more googling i came up with this on the ye old ebay. these are a bit more reasonable but if you  noticed are old lady ribbon spools. since I'm cheap and i spend to much money on other stuff i didn't want to spend to much money on these things either. SOOOOOOO i started looking into ways to make my own. i googled ribbon holder because the results for wire holder was just for much larger spools of wire than i needed. the concept is always pretty much the same. so this is what i found. don't pass judgment on me i don't frequent that site it just came up in a google search. if yous go about half way down you'll find the one about the multi-teir hanger. these things can be had for about 8 bucks at bed bath and beyond. that's always a plus because you can just go to the store and get one and don't have to wait for it to show up in the mail. here's a link if you do want to order one though.  so now i got the damn thing.
sweet carpet
the plan is to give it feet so it stand up on its own. i already checked it and its made of steel so its a fairly simple weld job. all you'll need is a welder some flat steel and a grinder with a cut off wheel and whole shit ton of balls.

i call him bitey

so first i cut off the rubber strip on the bottom of the hanger. then i got the grinder out and cut two equal lengths of the flat steel and cleaned it with the grinder so it welded real nice like.
cheap harbor freight welder and his buddy Afgany wire extension
 i don't actually have pictures of me doing the welding since this is a one man show I've included this picture of a hot chick welding.
i pretty much look like that
i ended up with something that looked a little like this.
and the money shot of it actually doing its job

it all cost about 10 or 12 bucks and works pretty good.