Dear reader I've gotton a hold of an ok 3d printer of course the first thing i want to do is make something useful, like a fucking knife. i Googled this and only really found one post and the dude just had some you tube videos with his creation on it seen here.
he didn't provide the STL files necessary to print out this bad ass piece of 3D printed cutlery. this drove me to look around for a way to make my own to fill the gap. i found 123D design which i think is a pretty good piece of free software for my semi-complicated object for print. its really only missing a helical tool but hopefully in future they will make that happen. so i spent some time and fired out this design.
3d printed stabbing device |
i didn't print this out with my printer (a printrbot jr) a friend of mine has a makerbot something or another that he spent 2 grand on so we printed it on his machine because lets face it, mines made of some gum and paper clips and his is made of stuff that doesn't suck.
3d printed awesome |
there it is......awesome in physical form.